Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Work I will be doing there ...

It seems like just a short time ago that I was writing to everyone for the first time about this trip. Now … it is 3 weeks away. Let me express, from the bottom of my heart, appreciation and gratitude to everyone that has sent me a card, email, or spoken to me directly … offering support and encouragement for my role in this effort. Also, thank you SO very much to all those who have supported this trip financially!

As I mentioned in my first missions-letter, I will be going to Kenya as part of a team of pastors/teachers assembled by Barnabas Ministries. The model for this organization is to take leaders from various places into developing nations and train and encourage the pastors and leaders there. My goal while in Kenya will not be to minister so much to its people as it will be to feed into the lives of the church’s leaders. I will be one of a three teacher team that will provide training in the setting of pastor’s seminars in two locations—the capital city of Nairobi and in Mombasa.

I have already been in email contact with the team’s leader and he has informed us that they are expecting in the area of 300 pastors in each seminar. So in the 9 1/2 days that I will be there, I will have the opportunity to impact and touch the lives of nearly 600 churches. God is SO good and I thank Him for the privilege that He has given me.

The seminars themselves will be all day seminars (Nairobi: June 3rd to 5th, and Mombasa: June 6th to 9th) with each of us teaching for about 2-3 hours each day. Then we will have the joy of ministering in area churches each night while in a particular city (either staying together as a team or each speaking in a different church). So as to try to avoid overlap, the team has exchanged the themes each plans to teach. I will be teaching a series I have been working with here for many months now.

The Lord has lead me to teach on the power He provides to victoriously walk through the various valleys we all go through in life. All of us know the popular verse (first part) from the 23rd Psalm, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;” The portion of that verse that I’ve been focusing on is the word “through.” The Lord’s goal is for us to walk “through” our valleys, not “in” them. We are to move through them knowing they will not endure and that mountaintop days await us. I will be teaching from various Psalms (as well as this one) and other select passages wanting to truly uplift and encourage these mighty leaders. As you read in my last letter, they minister in such difficult conditions. I want the Lord to use me to let them know that they are not alone.

I deeply covet your prayers for me, our entire team, and for this journey. Please pray for safe travels to Kenya, while there, and a safe return on June 11th. And please pray that His anointing will make this time a divine appointment that will shape all of our lives from that point forward.